How to Improve Your Online Reputation Management Strategy?

Online Reputation management is the process of monitoring and managing information about an individual or business on the internet space. ORM deals with number of factors like your brand awareness, customer complaints, suppression of negative comment, bad reviews, positive reviews, compliment and recognition of your business.

In today’s Internet era, Reputation Management is very important for every successful Individual, company, etc. to come clean on public probe.

Online reputation management clearly has a big role in a company’s revenue. Poor Online reputation management can damage your company’s sales. So it is very necessary step to make online reputation management strategies for your business.

What can people do to safeguard their online reputations?

To conclude, five essential strategies that sum up what we have covered in this post.

1. Become Well Trusted: According to business experts and business owner trust is the main asset of your business and it is very hard to gain. Make & maintain people trust towards your brand name or business. It is an important component in building and sustaining an authentic brand-consumer relationship.

2. Be Transparent: Be transparent with your action. Businesses that build good relationships with their customers are not only rapidly gaining market share, they’re grabbing up mind and heart by putting buyers in control and enabling them to make better, more appropriate choices.

3. Monitor What People Are Talking About You: Monitor your online reputation time to time, social media monitoring and search presence. Know the reasons why are people saying bad things about you on the Internet, and what can you do about it? Actively ask feedback from your customers and ask for permission to use their information to better serve them.

4. React Quickly and Politely: A prompt and short answer in respect of customer complaint is better than a late reply with more information because it can be beyond unsettling to wake up one day and see defamatory remarks appearing online. You don’t know how difficult is it to erase something negative once it’s online.

5. Be Social: Make brand’s social media profiles and use them regularly. It gives you a better presence online, and helps you control more spots in SERPs. The major social profiles that do well in Google results include: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest. Be sure to integrate social media profiles on Your Website.

Now it’s time to apply these steps to discipline to your online presence.

How to Reach Past Website Visitors Using Remarketing Campaign in Ad Words

How Google Remarketing Campaign Works

Sometimes it happens that visitor’s visit your website and browses your products and services, where they show interest, but due to your product pricing or for other reasons they leave your website without purchasing the product.

In this situation, remarketing campaign in ad-words plays a major role to reach your Past Buyers/All Visitors/Cart Abandoners who were interested in your product but somehow they do not purchase or complete enquiry form.

Remarketing campaign can track your targeted visitors by placing cookies on your visitor’s browser, when they visit your website.

Setting Up the Remarketing Code:

First of all you need to go to the Shared Library within Google AdWords account and choose to View Audiences.

If you have not setup your remarketing code then you can click on the “Set Up Remarketing” button “……………….”to get snippet of code for your website. This html code needs to be pasted on each page of your website before the closing </body> tags on your source page.

Setting Up New Remarketing List:

Following the next step, for creating a remarketing list, click on the “+ REMARKETING LIST” button and upload the URL where you need to know the list of people who visited the respective webpage. For Example, if you have a Clothing/Shoes/Accessories webpage kindly copy the URL from the browser and paste it on the “Who to add to your list” and Put 30 Days on the “Membership Duration”. Google Adwords would take few days to populate the list for that 30 days Duration. You can only use that Remarketing list for your campaign once the Display User List reaches 100 and Search User List reaches 1000.

Depending on the type of Network where you want to promote Ads, you will either have to select separate Campaigns for Display or Search for better targeting.

Adding the Remarketing List to Campaigns:

For Display:- Create and set up your Campaign with specific geo lacation you would like to target with a specific budget. Create an Adgroup and Go to “Display Network“and Go to “Interest & Remarketing”.

Click + Targeting, Choose your Ad Group and click add targeting selecting Interest & Remarketing. You’ll notice a list of remarketing list that you created earlier with the List size data. You’ll need to select the respective remarketing list that you wish to add for the Campaign.

If you’re looking to hire a PPC Expert kindly click on the recommended ppc packages under Pricing Packages. You can kindly sign up or contact us. Get a quote today!

SEO Practices/Strategy That Don’t Work Now a Days

In 2015, SEO would not be easier for Digital Marketers to optimize their website with recent Google updates, such as Post Panda and Penguin algorithm. Google recently rolled out a “major” algorithmic update (such as Google Panda and Google Penguin) that affects search results in Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

In this post we will help you to understand which tactics you should avoid because they just don’t work anymore.

1)    Get more links to rank higher:

In the past, creating back-link was the most important aspect to get higher ranking in the search results without analyzing the theme of the website. Creating a back link still signifies to be an important element in ranking but after introduction of Penguin 2.0 algorithm; it is now important to create quality backlinks rather than going for quantity

2)    Write keyword rich content for better ranking:

Previously somehow it was important that you need to write content with the exact match keywords to get higher ranking in search results for the particular keyword.
But now Google uses latent semantic indexing (LSI). Latent semantic indexing looks at patterns and formation of words and most commonly used words to identify the keywords. LSI also uses synonyms that are related to your keywords.

Google gives importance to user experience, so it is important to optimize your page for users rather than Google bot. Write quality content for users, use the keywords according to requirement, and avoid keywords stuffing.

3)    Build more pages to get more traffic:

People have perception that if you have more number of pages you will get more traffic at your website. Creating thin content just to have more pages does not work at all. You need to make sure quality of content should be up to the mark. Make sure you are focusing on quality of the content, not quantity.

4)    Rank higher to get more traffic:

There is a big misconception that higher rankings mean more search traffic. It isn’t necessary if your site ranking is higher in search results, you would get a huge traffic.

There is couple of reason for this:

i) You are not targeting right keywords related to your fields.
ii) Your Meta description is not appealing to the users and because of that you are not getting higher click through rate.

5)    Fill the title tag with keywords to increase ranking:

People do keyword stuffing within Meta tag just to rank higher in search results for the particular keyword phrases; it is however considered to be a bad practice these days.

So if you are still using these bad practices, it’s time to clean up your SEO strategy and let us know your requirements.

If you’re looking to hire an SEO firm with a recommended SEO packages you can kindly sign up or contact us. Get a quote today!

5 Essential Steps for Social Media Marketing Success

Since Past couple of years, Social media has proven to be one of the most powerful tools for sharing, promoting information and connecting with live audience. With the spread of Social Media, Marketing has become increasingly common and extremely important for promoting businesses on different social media platforms. SMM in short is the process of gaining traffic or customer engagement via different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram , Pinterest, Youtube and so on.

1. Research Your Target Audience: Social Media gives the power to interact with the live audience which also gives the opportunity to interact, engage and promote your product to your target audience. In Addition, it will be easier for the brand to build their reputation and gain referrals. So be more specific and learn as much as possible about your target audience. It is a more effective strategy to be a big fish in a small pool rather than the other way round.

2. Content Strategy: Creating meaningful content is as important as to promote your products; this carries the right information to the right audience. General preference for a social media strategy is to build visual content where you put the right information through an image.

Create an effective content strategy with first knowing who you are and, second, knowing who your audiences are. Brands that create content through consumers, engage with audiences consistently and work towards building a relationship with their audiences without hard selling are the brands that tend to be far more successful in achieving maximum ROI.

3. Social Campaigns: In 2015, Social campaigns soared to great heights for creative marketing. There are so many channels available for brands like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedI. Have a look at the best campaigns so far, organized by channel, and consider what you can learn from the innovative companies behind these initiatives.

4. Social Analytics: Social media is overflowing with rich data and social analytics. A complete Social analytics process is a critical step in the social media marketing, allowing marketers to measure their marketing channel performance and plan the actions they take to execute on their social strategy.

5. Measure Work and Data: Measure or reanalyse your plan and strategy on a regular basis how effective have the social media marketing campaigns been in creating brand awareness and generating revenues?

Use the collected data to refine and adjust the message, communication channels, and promotion strategies. If it is not working, a small modification is often enough to improve it significantly. If unsure, go back to the target audience and ask them what they think.

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