How to Make Paid Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce Website

E-commerce marketing is a powerful tool to building potential customer for your e-commerce website.

In today’s competitive era, without a strategic e-commerce marketing plan your business’s website will fall in among the thousands of other companies selling similar products for similar prices. Marketing strategies like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email marketing, and affiliate marketing, social media marketing can help an e-commerce website to gain number of shoppers.

Here are some paid marketing tactics

1. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing (SMM) is a process of gaining traffic or customer attention via social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram , Pinterest, Youtube and so on. It is most popular and effective paid tool in today’s internet era. Facebook ads, Twitter ads and LinkedIn advertise can drive traffic to your website.

2. Display Marketing: Display marketing or display advertising is a type of advertising that comes in several forms, including banner ad services, rich media, images, audio and video. Online advertising is all about building brand familiarity with your target audience and is a versatile advertising medium in this competitive online space.

3. Email Marketing: Email marketing is a marketing technique to reach consumers directly via email in broadest sense. It is a popular way for businesses to reach potential or current customers. It can be more than just text message, It can be used for sending links directly to people who may have never heard of your business, pop-up ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations and rich media formats.

4. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is when you let other people market your company’s products in return for a percentage of sales that you generate as a result of their efforts.

Good thing about affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to invest the time & effort to create a product to sell; it relies on being able to track the source of a particular sale. You just provide a unique URL that affiliate marketers use to promote your products. When someone (customer) clicks on that URL, they get taken to your webpage and, if they make a purchase, the affiliate tracking software will attribute that sale to the blogger.

5. Pay-per click advertising / Google AdWords: Paid advertising using Google adwords or Bing ads can be great way to generate clicks and sales to your website. Pay per click ads are shown in search engine networks & display networks. Every time someone clicks on your ad, they get taken to your targeted page and you will be charged a fee for every click.

How to Develop Social Media Optimization Strategy

An introduction to SMO

Social media optimization (SMO) is the process of improving brand awareness, product awareness or event by using a number of social networking sites or communities. SMO is similar to SEO but we use social networks instead of search engine. Basically SMO was designed to drive traffic from social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, YouTube, and Google+.

In today’s era social media can be one of your greatest way to improving your site’s organic search results. Today Social networks are divining millions of visitors to your websites every day. If you are not using social media for your brand or business then you are missing more than 70% of the adult population that has access to the internet according to a study.

A good Social Media Optimization strategy can drive traffic via number of social sites, search engines and shares, effectively leveraging the power of social sharing to gain benefits for your website.

Developing a winning social media optimization strategy & gain profound benefits of social media optimization services for your business can be very difficult because of the relative competition of the field.

There are some essential tips which can improve your SMO Strategy:

  1. Increase Linkability: Linkability is the first step to creating shareable content. For optimizing a website for social media, we need to increase the linkability of the valuable content. Linkability is done by adding specific link buttons to your content, which is a great step to engaging audience.
  2. Create Shareable Content: Content is a critical part of the social sharing experience within social media. Some content is more readily shareable such as infographics and there are numerous ways such as thought pieces, or even simply aggregating content that exists elsewhere into a useful format.
  3. Engaged with Your Audience: Getting engaged with your audience by sharing valuable content with them and liking & sharing the informative content of others. Provide your customers with ease of access to or a direct connect to you via social feeds, find ways to share your experience via social networks and get connected with others. Ask feedback from your customers time to time and ask information to better serve them.
  4. Be Useful Resource: Useful information to keep your audience engaged throughout the piece of content is very essential for social media success. Your audience is the lifeblood of your business, and knowing who they are and what they want is a key to success of social media. Find out what kind of content your audience wants and serve them accordingly.
  5. Research: Research & reanalyse social media strategy on a regular basis. Understanding your audience is the essential step in helping you serve well towards audience’s needs. Audience research reports will help you in better understanding audiences and their interests.At NuGrid Tech We offer the best social media optimization services to driving more and better qualified traffic to your website, using our best technique.