
How to Reach Past Website Visitors Using Remarketing Campaign in Ad Words

How Google Remarketing Campaign Works

Sometimes it happens that visitor’s visit your website and browses your products and services, where they show interest, but due to your product pricing or for other reasons they leave your website without purchasing the product.

In this situation, remarketing campaign in ad-words plays a major role to reach your Past Buyers/All Visitors/Cart Abandoners who were interested in your product but somehow they do not purchase or complete enquiry form.

Remarketing campaign can track your targeted visitors by placing cookies on your visitor’s browser, when they visit your website.

Setting Up the Remarketing Code:

First of all you need to go to the Shared Library within Google AdWords account and choose to View Audiences.

If you have not setup your remarketing code then you can click on the “Set Up Remarketing” button “……………….”to get snippet of code for your website. This html code needs to be pasted on each page of your website before the closing </body> tags on your source page.

Setting Up New Remarketing List:

Following the next step, for creating a remarketing list, click on the “+ REMARKETING LIST” button and upload the URL where you need to know the list of people who visited the respective webpage. For Example, if you have a Clothing/Shoes/Accessories webpage kindly copy the URL from the browser and paste it on the “Who to add to your list” and Put 30 Days on the “Membership Duration”. Google Adwords would take few days to populate the list for that 30 days Duration. You can only use that Remarketing list for your campaign once the Display User List reaches 100 and Search User List reaches 1000.

Depending on the type of Network where you want to promote Ads, you will either have to select separate Campaigns for Display or Search for better targeting.

Adding the Remarketing List to Campaigns:

For Display:- Create and set up your Campaign with specific geo lacation you would like to target with a specific budget. Create an Adgroup and Go to “Display Network“and Go to “Interest & Remarketing”.

Click + Targeting, Choose your Ad Group and click add targeting selecting Interest & Remarketing. You’ll notice a list of remarketing list that you created earlier with the List size data. You’ll need to select the respective remarketing list that you wish to add for the Campaign.

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