
SEO Practices/Strategy That Don’t Work Now a Days

In 2015, SEO would not be easier for Digital Marketers to optimize their website with recent Google updates, such as Post Panda and Penguin algorithm. Google recently rolled out a “major” algorithmic update (such as Google Panda and Google Penguin) that affects search results in Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

In this post we will help you to understand which tactics you should avoid because they just don’t work anymore.

1)    Get more links to rank higher:

In the past, creating back-link was the most important aspect to get higher ranking in the search results without analyzing the theme of the website. Creating a back link still signifies to be an important element in ranking but after introduction of Penguin 2.0 algorithm; it is now important to create quality backlinks rather than going for quantity

2)    Write keyword rich content for better ranking:

Previously somehow it was important that you need to write content with the exact match keywords to get higher ranking in search results for the particular keyword.
But now Google uses latent semantic indexing (LSI). Latent semantic indexing looks at patterns and formation of words and most commonly used words to identify the keywords. LSI also uses synonyms that are related to your keywords.

Google gives importance to user experience, so it is important to optimize your page for users rather than Google bot. Write quality content for users, use the keywords according to requirement, and avoid keywords stuffing.

3)    Build more pages to get more traffic:

People have perception that if you have more number of pages you will get more traffic at your website. Creating thin content just to have more pages does not work at all. You need to make sure quality of content should be up to the mark. Make sure you are focusing on quality of the content, not quantity.

4)    Rank higher to get more traffic:

There is a big misconception that higher rankings mean more search traffic. It isn’t necessary if your site ranking is higher in search results, you would get a huge traffic.

There is couple of reason for this:

i) You are not targeting right keywords related to your fields.
ii) Your Meta description is not appealing to the users and because of that you are not getting higher click through rate.

5)    Fill the title tag with keywords to increase ranking:

People do keyword stuffing within Meta tag just to rank higher in search results for the particular keyword phrases; it is however considered to be a bad practice these days.

So if you are still using these bad practices, it’s time to clean up your SEO strategy and let us know your requirements.

If you’re looking to hire an SEO firm with a recommended SEO packages you can kindly sign up or contact us. Get a quote today!

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